From Damage Assessment to Repair: A Missouri Boater’s Guide to Insurance Claims

April 14, 2024

Navigating Boating Insurance in Missouri

Boating in Missouri, whether it’s cruising on the mighty Mississippi River, fishing in the tranquil waters of Mark Twain Lake, or enjoying the bustling activity on Lake of the Ozarks, is an experience like no other. But what do you do when your cherished fiberglass boat needs repairs, possibly due to an unexpected mishap or the natural wear and tear of adventurous outings? The process of filing insurance claims and navigating repairs can seem daunting. Fear not, as we at American Standard Fiberglass (ASF), a family and veteran-owned business led by Jon Turner, are here to guide you through every step, ensuring a hassle-free repair experience.

Today, we’ll walk you through the essential steps of handling insurance claims and repairs for your boat in Missouri, making sure you get back to your favorite waterways in no time.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Assess the Damage

The first step after any incident is to safely assess the damage to your boat. Take detailed photographs and notes, as these will be crucial when filing your insurance claim. If it’s safe to do so, try to determine the extent of the damage. Remember, safety comes first; if the boat is in a dangerous location or condition, prioritize your and others’ safety above all.

Step 2: Review Your Insurance Policy

Before proceeding with any claims, review your insurance policy thoroughly. Understand what is covered and what is not. Pay special attention to deductibles, coverage limits, and any specific procedures your insurance company requires for filing a claim. This step is crucial to set realistic expectations for your claim.

Step 3: File Your Insurance Claim

Once you’ve assessed the damage and reviewed your policy, it’s time to file your claim. Contact your insurance provider to begin the process. Be prepared to provide all the information you’ve gathered, including the photographs and notes on the damage. The more detailed and organized your report, the smoother the process will be.

Step 4: Choosing the Right Repair Shop

Choosing the right repair shop is pivotal. You’ll want experts who specialize in fiberglass boat repair near me. This is where American Standard Fiberglass shines. Our founder, Jon Turner, brings generations of expertise to the table, ensuring that your boat receives the care it deserves. With a legacy of quality and craftsmanship, ASF is well-equipped to handle insurance claims, making the repair process as seamless as possible for you.

Step 5: Managing the Repair Process

After selecting a repair shop, communicate clearly with the technicians about your expectations and any concerns you may have. At ASF, we pride ourselves on transparent communication, keeping you informed at every stage of the repair process. Remember, a good repair shop will not only fix the damage but also work with your insurance company to ensure the claim is handled efficiently.

Step 6: Finalizing the Repair and Insurance Claim

Once the repairs are completed, review the work to make sure it meets your standards. At ASF, satisfaction is our priority, and we ensure your boat is in prime condition before it leaves our shop. The final step is to finalize the insurance claim. We can assist you in ensuring that all paperwork is in order, making the process hassle-free.

At American Standard Fiberglass, located in Wright City, MO, and serving the St. Louis, MO area as well as the entire state of Missouri and southern Illinois, we understand the value of your boat and the importance of getting back to the waters you love. Owned by Jon Turner, a veteran with a rich heritage in boat repair, ASF brings unparalleled expertise and dedication to every job. Whether you’re navigating the Missouri River, exploring Lake of the Ozarks, or enjoying any of Missouri’s beautiful waterways, trust ASF for all your fiberglass boat repair needs. Remember, for a hassle-free repair, look no further than fiberglass boat repair near me at American Standard Fiberglass. Let us help you navigate the complexities of insurance and repairs, so you can focus on the adventures ahead.